Indonesian Coup on 1 October 1965, The biggest Indonesian massacrePreface
This Book is a compilation of articles and emails concerning “Coup d´ètat of October 1st 1965” in Indonesia, which I read and collected from the Internet and mailing lists between September – October 2005 during the Commemoration of 40 years National Tragedy of the Republic of Indonesia (October 1 1965 – October 1 2005) with the aim, to uncover the 40 years mystery of the Indonesian massacres.
As a young person, born 1983 and living outside Indonesia, I would like to know thereasons, why my father, Willy R. Wirantaprawira, who was sent by Indonesian Government to study in East Europe (1963 – 1968), since he was 24 years old until
today, more than 42 years, has to live in exile outside his home country.
Heidelberg, Germany on September – October 2005
Cyntha Wirantaprawira
All those Indonesian – including Bung Karno
the "Founding Father“of the Republic of Indonesia –
who are accused to overthrew the legal Indonesian Government 1965
When they are will be granted an amnesty and to be rehabilitated?

As a young person, born 1983 and living outside Indonesia, I would like to know thereasons, why my father, Willy R. Wirantaprawira, who was sent by Indonesian Government to study in East Europe (1963 – 1968), since he was 24 years old until
today, more than 42 years, has to live in exile outside his home country.
All articles and emails in this book are presented without changes or comments. All rights of all articles are reserved by the mentioned authors. This book is to be
distributed free of charge to libraries in Indonesia and abroad and to those, who have not the possibility to get digital information through the Internet.
Dedicated to all Indonesians, the victims of General Soeharto´s regime living inside
and outside the country
distributed free of charge to libraries in Indonesia and abroad and to those, who have not the possibility to get digital information through the Internet.
Dedicated to all Indonesians, the victims of General Soeharto´s regime living inside
and outside the country
Heidelberg, Germany on September – October 2005
Cyntha Wirantaprawira
It is a human right for all Indonesian citizens to know the Truth about the Coup
of October 1st 1965
The Guilt of Vorfathers, who were accused to have connection with the Coup of
1st October 1965, is not to be carried over to their children and grandchildren
The Insurrection of Free Aceh Movement, who rebelled against
the United Republic of Indonesia
were granted an amnesty and were rehabilitated
of October 1st 1965
The Guilt of Vorfathers, who were accused to have connection with the Coup of
1st October 1965, is not to be carried over to their children and grandchildren
The Insurrection of Free Aceh Movement, who rebelled against
the United Republic of Indonesia
were granted an amnesty and were rehabilitated
All those Indonesian – including Bung Karno
the "Founding Father“of the Republic of Indonesia –
who are accused to overthrew the legal Indonesian Government 1965
When they are will be granted an amnesty and to be rehabilitated?
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Book's review:
Sukarno:A Political Biography |
Sukarno and the Indonesian Coup: The Untold Story |